When we first interviewed Gregg Van Dyke four years ago, he shared his high hopes and plans for the Card & Games Room, then existing only on blueprints. He had just been hired as its director. Now, the beautiful space on the second floor of the Tennis & Games Center fills daily with Members who enjoy games of Bridge, Canasta, Mah Jongg and Poker. In that long ago interview, Gregg said, “Give me three years and we’ll build this into a successful venture.” Bingo!
Gregg credits the Membership for helping him reach stated goals. He says, “Our players are the ones who deserve credit. I am here to organize and guide them. Playing cards is a great way to meet new people in what I call friendly competition. We have a good time. Bridge is still the drawing card, but Canasta is a close second.”
Volunteer teachers, Mary Zwirn and Claudia Langworthy, were thrilled with the response to their session on playing special Canasta hands. Claudia says, “We decked the hall with 52 Canasta players. All were eager to learn, and Gregg kept us happy and focused with ORC cookies, snacks, coffee, water, and an espresso machine.” Both Mary and Claudia devote countless hours to helping new players discover the pleasures of sitting around a table while stimulating their brains and having fun!
In addition to Canasta, there are three days of Bridge each week and a Beginning Bridge lesson. Learning a new card game may be challenging at first, but the time invested is worth it to have the building blocks for a lifetime of enjoyment.
Gregg says, “Check the Ocean Reef website for the latest information on Card & Game events. Thanks to Executive Director of Sports & Recreation Mic O’Keeffe for supporting us in what we do. If we keep growing in numbers and creativity, I can make a prediction. Next season beginning a 12-month period, we will host 1,000 tables of Bridge and 1,000 tables of Canasta. Come and be part of our success story.”