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Virtual Deliciousness

June 29, 2020 10:43 am Published by

Virtual Deliciousness By Jody Steele Reflecting on the last few months of social distancing at Ocean Reef Club, a few memorable “silver linings” emerged. The Virtual Happy Hour with Sean Carroll, Director of Beverage & Wine Operations, and the Virtual... Read More »

The Dive Shop Reboots Reef Cleanup Program

June 12, 2020 11:01 am Published by

The Dive Shop Reboots Reef Cleanup Program By Holly Houser, Ocean Reef Press Editorial Assistant The Dive Shop is open and excited to welcome Members back out to enjoy, appreciate and support the environment, after closing their doors in March... Read More »

Summer Adventures in the Redlands

June 10, 2020 10:17 am Published by

Summer Adventures in the Redlands By Jody Steele Looking for a journey nearby this summer? The Redland area is just a short drive away up Card Sound Road. This historic area was first settled in 1898 by pioneers homesteading the... Read More »


June 8, 2020 10:54 am Published by

CABIN FEVER Joan the Shopper finds gifts for Father’s Day (June 21) in some newly opened Ocean Reef stores By Joan Birsh Isn’t it lovely that at Ocean Reef you can now don a mask, hop in your cart and... Read More »

Capital Projects Underway

June 5, 2020 11:07 am Published by

Capital Projects Underway By Holly Houser, Ocean Reef Press Editorial Assistant As facilities begin to slowly reopen, life at Ocean Reef is showing signs of normalcy. Construction on the Club’s major 2020-2021 projects – the Associate Parking Garage, Ocean Room... Read More »

Islander Reopens with Improvements

June 4, 2020 9:18 am Published by

Can You Hear Me Now? Islander Reopens with Improvements By Holly Houser, Ocean Reef Press Editorial Assistant The Islander opened its doors to seated dining on Monday, May 18, and those who have since enjoyed dinner out may have noticed... Read More »

Market News & Views

June 1, 2020 10:06 am Published by

Market News & Views By Gertrude Mann The Cheese Lover Good news for all cheese aficionados! The Market hosts a new purveyor – The Cheese Lover. Rosa Perez is the owner, and her business sells only in the Keys. The... Read More »

A Mother’s Day Whodunit

May 27, 2020 11:36 am Published by

A Mother’s Day Whodunit By Terry Baxter Jane Silverman gave me a jolt when she posted on Facebook that an anonymous gal sent her an orchid on Mother’s Day with a note saying “All You Need Is Love.” Sweet. Sweet... Read More »

Start Reading Now

May 13, 2020 3:57 pm Published by

Start Reading Now For Next Season’s Campus at the Cultural Center It seems like everybody is talking about sharing good books to read, and it looks like this is going to be the summer for really getting to it, so... Read More »


May 12, 2020 10:27 am Published by

CABIN FEVER By Joan Birsh I’m a confessed doodler. Armed with a pencil and paper, I’ve been able to transform coronavirus days of “nothing to do” into a time of joyful artistic activity. I became a serious doodler, when from... Read More »
