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The Spa Has you Covered

October 28, 2019 5:34 pm Published by

Be sure to protect yourself from the sun with some of The Spa’s favorite sun protection products. And, don’t forget your eyes, lips, hair and scalp. Here are a few of our favorite products to help minimize damaging UV exposure... Read More »

Card Sound Road Safety Measures

October 28, 2019 5:17 pm Published by

Card Sound Road has been in the news for recent fatalities and crashes, headlines no one wants to read. ORCA’s Tim James, Vice President & Director of Public Safety, has wasted no time connecting with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office... Read More »

New Faces and New Rentals

October 28, 2019 5:14 pm Published by

Welcome to summertime at your Club! Your Vacation Rentals Team continues in full swing. The accommodations rental outlook for the summer season is strong. There have been many Equity Members inquiring about the Club’s Vacation Rentals Program during April and... Read More »

Mini Chefs-In-The-Making

October 28, 2019 4:53 pm Published by

Fourteen adventurous souls were enrolled in the camp Chef for a Week June 10-14th. My 8-year-old grandson, Devon, was among them. As a young aspiring chef in the making, Devon was quite smitten with Chef Philippe when he met him... Read More »

Summer Projects Take Flight

October 28, 2019 4:47 pm Published by

The reopening of the Islander this past February put the era of Hurricane Irma reparations behind us. Now the Club is focusing its summer efforts on improving and maintaining the first-class condition of already existing structures and amenities. Of these... Read More »

Equity-Only Summer Happenings

October 28, 2019 4:44 pm Published by

Whether you’re here for the summer or just popping in, the Club has put together some spe­cial Equity Member-only events for you to look forward to. Equity Get Togethers These Get Togethers are for Equity Members only! All Equi­ty are... Read More »
